Frequently Asked Questions
o Yes, dancing is for everyone. If you are looking to get more movement into your life then this is for you. Or maybe you are just looking for some exercise that is fun, this is for you too.
o The dance sequences have been specifically created to bring movement to the parts of the body that are under stimulated in sedentary jobs. It’s a targeted approach to this problem, using the exercise prescription element of repetitions, coupled with the fun and engaging nature of dance.
o For best results you should treat this like an exercise session, trying to incorporate it into your weekly exercise routine. Whether you do this in your morning routine, throughout the workday to break up the sitting, or an after-work habit to dance the stress away, it is really up to you on how you want to structure it. Not everyone will have the work environment to dance, this program is about getting movement into the body away from the desk so for some this will be about developing your habit at home.
o First thing is to ensure you have an open and clear space to dance in without any tripping hazards, if you can take 2 steps forward, back and to the side that will be enough space. To have the most ideal experience, if you can cast to your TV, it makes following the dance sequences easier. If your workplace has an appropriate space, it can be a nice way to break up the workday, or if working from home the lounge may be ideal.
o How often really depends on how much sitting you are doing. Think of movement like adding credits to your body and sitting is adding debits. To keep the body healthy and happy you need to keep it in the green zone. The more you can do Groove to Move and add credits to the system, to better capability your body will have to be still through the workday without giving you nagging aches and pains while trying to be productive. A good place to start would be to try make a schedule of 3 sessions a week to start with and see how you feel from there.
o Not at all!! These dance sequences have been created for even the most novice of dancers. In the learning sessions Sian breaks down each move step by step and given the on-demand nature of the program, you can pause and rewind as much as you need to get them down. The more novice may require to do the learning sessions a few more time before doing the groover sessions. Please remember this is not about perfectly executing the dance moves, so leave the perfectionism behind. If you are moving, you’re doing it right!
o If you are worried this new movement pattern may flare your pain up, please visit a health professional to discuss. If you are in pain and want to give it a go, take it easy. You don’t need to perform the full movement, you don’t need to do all the reps, and you don’t need to do it as fast. If your back is in pain, take the bends and twists gently. If your neck is in pain, try not to over rotate it. Hit the pause button if you need to. Just try in small sections first time around and see how you respond. As with anything, listen to your body and take your time as this is a movement practice you can use for life.
o Stand up desks can be helpful to give your body a different posture than just sitting. While standing can alter the load on the hips and lower back, they don’t however, address the issue of the sedentary nature of many jobs. While yes you are standing and not sitting, you are standing still for long periods of times which is not stimulating the body in the way it needs. Movement is a necessity for the body so if you can couple Groove to Move with a stand up desk it will be highly beneficial.
o Great work! It’s hard to keep up an exercise routine, so keep it going. Your exercise regime, however, needs to have some variety. For a lot of people walking, running or bike riding are a staple of exercise, while they are great for the cardiovascular system, keeping strong legs and mental health benefits, the movement pattern is repetitive in nature. The body thrives on variety in movement, its wants to be moved in a multitude of ways. So if your exercise regime seems repetitive and without variety, Groove to Move is the way to give your body what it needs.